Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I've always wished that I had the "self restraint" to eat less crap food. Recently, I realized that it's not about having self restraint at all- it's about caring enough about your body to learn what you're putting into it. And believe me, there's a lot to learn. We trust the government (FDA, USDA, etc.) to tell us what's safe, because they have our best interests in mind, right? They wouldn't let Taco Bell serve things that would kill us, would they? The answer to that is seemingly obvious, yet we eat it anyway. We buy hot cocoa packets with trans fat. Our coffee creamer is laced with partially hydrogenated oils. Why? Well my excuse was always laziness (and frugality, but I'll address why I was wrong on that one later.) Seriously, you'd be hard-pressed to meet a reasonably successful person who is as lazy as I am.

So why did I start this blog? Because I haven't found any others that address the fact that caring a lot about what you eat and/or cooking vegan is HARD WORK! They all make it look so easy. Maybe they're people who never got enjoyment out of eating a sandwich piled hilariously high with different meats... or maybe their day doesn't revolve around what they're going to eat later. Well, mine does. Please don't be offended by my seemingly self-deprecating use of the word "fat" when referring to myself. I have gained a lot of weight recently, but I've always been fat at heart, even at my smallest size. It's the only way I can think to describe someone who plans her life around food... someone who saves the best bite for last because she already knows she's going to eat the whole thing.

I hope you enjoy my stories and photos about my journey through eating healthy through vegan cooking. (I also want to note that there are certain non-vegan foods that I refuse to cut out of my life forever (like Vincent's Pizza,) but I'll only be eating them occasionally! At this point, I don't even want to think about making ALL of my own food and only eating out at 2 places ever!)


  1. Tits or GTFO.
    Just kidding, this is a really good idea, and will follow it with interest. You don't look fat, you look nommy! Try and post your recipes for us! And the cost of what you fixed that day! I wanna try this too but I want you to do all the leg work.

  2. Hey Valerie,
    I just wanted to say that I'm excited for you that you've decided to make your health a priority. I look forward to reading about the experiments and experiences you share here. I'd be interested to know how you made the decision to go vegan. There are so many different dietary guidelines promising health these days that just figuring out how to eat healthy and what that means can be really confusing.

  3. Hey Val! Glad to read your blog. My husband and I made the switch to Vegan about three and a half months ago. You're right, it is a lot more work to plan, shop for and prepare healthy food but in the end it is so worth the effort. I've been meaning to post a blog of some of the amazing recipes we've made, as a lot of people assume that because we're vegan, we must eat only lettuce. Not true. We've been eating more delicious food in the last three months than ever before. Can't wait to try some of the yummy things you've posted on your blog!!!

  4. Crippler, I posted a second intro to answer your question. Thanks for commenting!

    Robin, PLEASE start a blog! And I agree that this is the best food I have ever eaten... then again, it's the first time I've taken care to eat "real food," so I guess that makes sense!

  5. Hey Valerie,
    It seems I'm a little late to the party here, but I wanted to tell you that I'm so glad you started this blog! I was vegan for a long time (before being ambushed by a tub of french onion dip at a very vulnerable moment), and I can't help but notice that I was healthier then. I was slimmer, I had more energy, and better skin. I doubt that being vegan is the only key to weight loss and health, but it certainly can't hurt...so I think I'll join you!

    I've also been reading this book called the End of Overeating by David Kessler (MD). It's a seriously interesting read about chemical addictions to sugar, salt and fat, and how American eating habits have changed in the past few decades. It's really making me rethink my grocery list, vegan or otherwise.

    Anyways, keep it up! This is awesome and I can't wait to try some of these recipes!

  6. Thanks, Auntie! I am really excited about it too... even more so now that I know people are interested in it and might somehow benefit from me rambling about my experiences and posting photos of my dinner (I figured most were probably tiring of me using facebook for that.)

    Also, that David Kessler book is actually in my Amazon cart! A bunch of cookbooks beat it out in my last order. If you like that, you'd probably enjoy In Defense of Food, too.

    How long were you vegan? I'm trying not to do TOO much of an "all or nothing" approach, because I know that there are things that will ambush me at vulnerable moments (I LOLed at that, by the way!) I figured that even if I could only do it SOME of the time, it would still have an impact on my health and the lives of animals.

    Good luck and keep me posted on your progress! :)
