Friday, January 14, 2011


Like I said before, being vegan is hard sometimes. Today is a good example: I forgot to bring food to work. I had a nice chunk of vegan lasagna all packed up, but it's not doing me any good in the fridge! Also, my plans for making another batch of waffles fell through when Dustin came home from tour early, so I didn't have breakfast either.

As I drove to work, I weighed my options. I passed a McDonald's. No problem... I don't even like their breakfast at my fattest and most unhealthy! It's so gross! Then I passed our old carpool favorite, Einstein Brothers Bagels, and didn't even pause. I did consider getting a mocha at Starbucks, but then I realized that my hatred for soy milk makes it impossible for me to have one of those. So I came to work with no food.

At 10 AM, I decided that I was going to die, so I checked my wallet and was pleased to find $7! I hardly ever have cash- usually just my debit and credit cards. I was excited, because that meant I could go to the vending machines! However, my excitement quickly diminished when I realized that I wasn't going to be able to read the labels to see what was vegan.

So I half gave up. I got a bag of wasabi trail mix, and it was vegan. But I also got a bag of Cheez-Its, which I know damn well were not. But they are my #2 exception to the rule (second only to Vincent's Pizza!) So I'm eating them and thinking about how doing anything to the extreme is kind of unreasonable (see also: Straight Edge.) I think too many people give up on being vegan after caving and eating something non-vegan. Really, it's not the end of the world! I feel great about what I've done for my body and animals in the last two months. I'm going to celebrate that and realize that I get to make the choice every time I decide what to eat.


  1. Hooray! You should be proud, and you're totally right! Being vegan, or vegetarian, or changing your diet in any way shouldn't always be about being able to say "I haven't had dairy in a year." Because, it feels much better to say, "I have made good choices, and know what is in all the food I eat every day, and do my best to maintain a good lifestyle." Good for you!

    P.S. Cheezits are delicious.

  2. This is true, like they say over on one of my weight loss forums, "It's about persistence, not perfection."

