Sunday, January 9, 2011

Eggplant... Bacon?

Dustin made "eggplant bacon" from Appetite for Reduction today, which consisted of baked eggplant srips dipped in soy sauce and liquid smoke. I was skeptical about it, but it was actually really good! It wasn't bacon, of course, but it's a good substitute considering it's a vegetable!

I also replaced 1/2 of the tofu in our usual tofu scramble (adapted from Vegan Brunch) with zucchini and served LightLife fake sausage on the side. I decided that the sausage was not nearly as good as the eggplant bacon, which is good because I want to stop buying most meat substitutes anyway.

Also, we got some kind of expensive fair-trade organic coffee at the Co-Op, and I think it was worth it! (My mom got me those mugs for xmas! Thanks, Mom!)

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