Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Brownies and Better Photos!

Okay, so I admit that I don't know the first thing about photography. I always used my iPhone camera because it was always around and it was so easy to upload photos. However, the app I was using (Blogspot) has been making my photos look totally crappy and blurry randomly (see the chili post.) So I decided to bust out the Ott-Lite that Dustin's mom got me for xmas one year and my newish digital camera that I never use to take photos of the chocolate chip brownies that Dustin and I made tonight. I think I did a decent job for my first one:

I'm not posting the brownie recipe yet, because even though they were good, I think I can still improve them. If you have any suggestions for how to improve my photos, please leave a comment!

1 comment:

  1. I love this photo! Just play around with your camera. You'll get more cool shots, like this one. My photo tip is to remember to use the "flower" button/Macro button. Then you can physically get really up-close to your food and still get a crystal clear shot--no blurriness!

    Actually, I don't think I've had a brownie since choose to live vegan--that was 4 YEARS AGO! It will be fun to see your recipe when you post it!

    It's so fun to meet another Vegan Valerie! :D
